
The book of the mimicry of the living

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I’ve been a Wierd Al fan all my life. Ever since I learnt The Saga Begins and Amish Paradise word for word and was therefore never able to remember a single line from the originals.


Now that Wierd Al is releasing his 14th, and possibly final, full album he has published a song a day in the lead up to it’s release. My favorite is definitely the Robin Thicke parody ‘Word Crimes’ (or should that be #wordcrimes? (which would be ironic (yes, this is a nested bracket (yes, that is also ironic)))).

UPDATE: Wierd Al just released Mandatory Fun,  and immediately hit the top of the charts with 104,000 sales in the US. I suspect he’ll use his new-found riches to finally move to Alberquerque.

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What Biomimicry needs to learn from the internet and Aaron Swartz: 1 – Nerdcore Hiphop

Biomimicry is like all science derivative. However, while the ‘classical sciences’ tend to follow a generally linear path, biomimicry transcends this. We need all the information we can gather in every area that touches a project we are working on. Success is dependent on the quality of this information, and the ability of the scientist to reconcile the facts and figures of disparate disciplines into a cohesive product. In some ways the misapplication of the term ‘bio-hacking’ is oddly fitting. However, this constructive approach possibly isn’t as novel as we like to think if we look outside the realm of science. Music generally, and the ‘comix’ movement in 70’s America, were a ‘mash-up’ art centuries before ‘mash-up’ was really ever coined. However, the contributing influence to those fields was freely available, designed to published for mass consumption. The sciences haven’t, and still in many ways don’t, have that trait. As a result I think that we have more in common with Aaron Swartz’s work and views than might be immediately obvious.


That placard has a good point, linked to a previous biomimicron article

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